Friday, April 27, 2007

Jason's Birthday!

Amy took me out for my birthday last night and I got some real cool gifts. Among them was this KaBar Dozier folding knife that she had custom engraved with USMC on the blade. I thought it was very cool and showed me how much thought at work she put into getting me something I would like. When we got home I quickly whipped up the fob/lanyard for the knife out of about 8 feet of gutted 550 paracord. The knots names in order from the blade are 'boatswain's wistle knot' into a 'brick sinnet' and ending with a sinnet finishing knot.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bracelets I am making and other knots and ropework.

For anyone that wants one of these - pick a color or color combo from what you see here and measure your wrist (add an inch to your wrist size) and I can make one custom to fit you. I would like to do these as Christmas presents for those that want them.
The material is 550 Paracord (it can hold up to 550 pounds of weight) and the solid colors are made from almost 11 feet of 550 cord! The colors I have right now are: Olive Drab, Tan, and Black. I can do any combo of those and I plan to get a few more colors in - especially more feminine colors.
Let me know at

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Two Loving Brothers!

It is RARE to see them laying so close and not tackling, biting, folding, spindling, or mutilating each other. So I got a shot and had to publish it.
Oh yeah - and here is Max - in a toy bin.

Lambert got a new bed!

Lambert was sleeping on the floor - so Amy believed it was time to move him into a new bed. We went to Ikea (thank God for that place) and picked up a new bed. We robbed a mattress from the trundle of the bed in the guest room and Viola! - a new bed for Lambert. He was VERY excited. He wanted to eat in there and sleep right away. While I was still cleaning up the tools from making the bed he said 'Wan't you to turn off the light please.' and 'Want you to close the door please.' He was ready to take a nap NOW!
I also uploaded a picture of Maxwell who was waiting patiently (or not so) for Daddy to finish the bed. He had fork in hand and wanted 'CHEESY NOODLES!!!'

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lambert and his boots.

This is how I found Lambert after hsi nap. In his dresser (Amy had removed the drawers temporarily) and wearing his boots. They are on the right feet and he put them on by himself (first time) so how can you be mad.
When I asked him why he was in his dresser, he pointed to his bed and said "Toby made a mess." (Toby is a little Train he plays with from the Thomas collection) I noticed he had spilled juice in his bed so I said - "Oh, did you spill your juice?" Lambert cooly replied "No. TOBY made the mess!"
How can you be mad at that. His first white lie (told in true toddler fashion), and his first putting on of his own shoes. Gotta love kids.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

2007 Photo's of the Family

Here they are - how cute are those two?! And the boys aren't bad either!

My Poem Got Published!

The top image is the scanned poem and the bottom is the cover of the publication 'Tempered Mindscapes'.


Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Rainbow Award

I was presented with the First Annual "Rainbow Award" by the GLBTA (Gay Lesbian By-Sexual Transgender and Ally) Group from Cy-Fair College in March. The award reads "For his Tireless and Courageous Efforts to Promote Diversity, Inclusion, Dialogue, and Equality for the GLBT community of Cy-Fair College. I was very honored to recieve it.